Android Applications for the Outdoors
Every day, I go on a trek through the woods. Sometimes I walk, sometimes I run. Sometimes I go for fitness, sometimes for exploration, sometimes to survey, but always for enjoyment and always to look and listen to the forest.
I hope that the applications I share with you can help bring the joy of the natural world into a busy day, and to help to make species and places you see a little more familiar.

Woodland Alarm Clock
Wake up to the sound of nature with Woodland Alarm Clock. Bird songs and other natural sounds wake you gently from sleep, while a woodland scene brightens in the background, simulating dawn transitioning to daylight.

Outdoorsman's Waypoint Plotter
A handy and lightweight plotting tool, the Outdoorsman's Waypoint Plotter uses voice recognition to allow you to record location notes without typing them into your phone. Currently in closed Alpha testing.